Thursday, March 21, 2013

Boots and Bibs

 Hey there blog world! Thursday is as good as any day to whip out a few posts so I can catch up. The good new is I'm almost there! Bad news is I'm starting a very time consuming project which I will make a new post on today as well. To start I made a few sets of baby boots (Above) from this tutorial that I absolutely love!  I loved them so much I wanted to make a set of clothes to go with them. My attempts at a button up vest for a little boy came out very poor so I tried to think of what else besides hats (I have a ton made for babies) could go with these tiny boots. Then it came to me! Bibs! I found a beautiful pattern for here on Ravelry and adapted it to fit both genders by adding a different edge than what the author offers in her pattern. Ta for now!

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