Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ta-Da! Crocheted shoes!

 I was looking to make some crochet slippers for an adult, but I didn't find any good ones on the internet. I decided to design my own, and being that this is my first pair I will tweak it a bit and post the pattern here when I'm happy with it. I came across some $2.00 flip flops at Walmart, and thought  instead of crocheting a sole I could use the sole of these and that way the people I'm giving them to could wear em outside if desired as well as the added perk of a semi non-slip sole. Using a yarn needle that is a little bit sharp I made 2 foundation rows threaded  through the sole so it didn't pull and tear when I started to crochet. The soles below with the butterflies are actually re-purposed tops of soles ripped from old flip flops (incidentally they broke the day before I made these) covered in scrap fabric I got for 97 cents! Ta for now!

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